Our Mission
We are committed to encouraging and delivering a positive impact on animal care by continuously improving high-quality services, resources, education, and community programs.
Our values
Compassion, Community, Leadership, Integrity

Why support People for Animal Wellbeing?
People for Animal Wellbeing is an independent registered charity. Our work is funded by private donations, special events, adoption fees, merchandise sales in our adoption center, municipal animal control contracts and foundation applications.
PAW is able to provide high quality animal care and compassion to pets and people in our community through the generous support of our donors and partners who are as passionate about animals as we are.
Levels of Corporate Sponsorship
PAW offers local businesses the opportunity to partner with us on an annual basis as a corporate sponsor. The program is designed to reflect your corporate values and compliment your advertising and marketing strategies. Corporate sponsors receive a robust benefits package each year. We will introduce you to our loyal support base, primarily located in the Greater Moncton area.
When your support PAW you are recognizing the importance of the human-animal bond. Together we can make a difference in the lives of stray, abandoned and surrendered animals in our community.
Logo on webpage
Social media recognition
Recognition in newsletter
Volunteer opportunity
Annual report
Logo on webpage
Social media recognition
Recognition in newsletter
Volunteer opportunity
Private tour and photo opportunity
Annual Report
Logo on webpageBranding in shelterSocial Media recognitionRecognition in newsletterVolunteer opportunityCreative approval Private tour and photo opportunityAnnual Report $5,000+

Benefits of Supporting PAW To Your Organization:
A connection to one of the largest animal welfare organizations in New Brunswick
Brand exposure
Employee engagement and team building opportunities
Social responsibility and a way to give back to the community
Alignment of company values with animal welfare and community support
Attracting new customers
Contact us!
To become a corporate sponsor, sponsor an event or develop a custom partnership, please email us at:
Director of Development - Todd Merrill - todd@paw-sba.ca
Our Services and What they Do
Animal Sheltering and Adoptions
1000 pets adopted annually into new loving families.Shelter and care provided to over 1500 animals annually.
Roxy's Pet Pantry
Has provided over 13 000kgs of pet food families, helping keep pets in their homes.
Pet Safe Keeping
Provides emergency shelter for pets whose owners face intimate partner violence, allowing victims to seek safety without leaving their pets behind. This program sheltered 30-40 pets in one year.
Healthy Moms, Healthy Litters
Provides spay assistance and support to families whose pets have accidental litters. Usage of this program doubled in a year.
Resting Paws
Provides exceptional service in pet aftercare through pet cremations and remembrances.
PAW Pals Academy
Allows school classrooms to foster a small animal so that students learn animal care and compassion for animals at a young age.
(506) 857-8698info@paw-sba.ca
Stop in for a visit!Monday to Friday
10 am - 7 pm
Saturday & Sunday
10 am - 5 pm
Closed on Holidays
116 Greenock Street
Moncton, NB E1H 2J7 Canada
Contact form
For further discussion about our aligned values, please contact Todd Merrill, Director of Development: Todd@PAW-SBA.ca