Salut je suis Nellie!

It’s nice to meet you! Adopting can be a wonderful experience for us!
Please ensure you have an appropriate accessories when adopting me.


Meet Nellie, the 9-month-old Labrador with endless energy and a heart full of love! She's always ready to play, whether it's fetching a ball, running around the yard, or simply joining in on the fun with her favorite humans. Nellie is the perfect fit for a home with older kids who can match her boundless energy and keep up with her playful spirit. However, her enthusiasm may be a bit much for little ones-she's like a furry, adorable whirlwind, and she's always on the go! She's a work in progress with training-she's getting there, But with a little patience, lots of treats, and a dash of love, she's sure to become a well-behaved girl. She has lived with cats before and is perfectly happy to share the space-though she's still learning that personal space is a thing. If you're ready for a happy, playful companion who's bound to steal your heart Nellie's your girl! **Because Nellie is still learning the concept of personal space, she will need to meet with any other dog(s) living in the home before adoption**


16 days in shelter
  • Animaux

  • Couleur

  • Emplacement

    Adoption Room-Dog
  • Sexe

  • Lester

  • Élever

    Retriever, Labrador
  • Médical

  • Ne pas placer avec

  • Animal ID



  • Castrer ou stériliser
  • Coupe-ongles
  • Traitement contre les puces (chats, chiens et lapins)
  • Premier vaccin
  • Nettoyage des oreilles
  • 6 semaines de couverture avec PetSecure Insurance
  • Premier déparasitage
  • Identification par micropuce
  • 1 mois de PetWatch 24h/24
  • Vaccin contre la rage (chiens)
  • 1 semaine de GoodPup